Couch Grass Seed for Sale at Great Aussie Lawns

Summer is coming!  So that means it's time to start considering warm season couch grass for your new lawn or overseeding project.  We have a range of different couch grasses for sale at Great Aussie Lawns, from straight couch to couch blended with other varieties.

Let's check them out.

Straight Couch Grass Seed

If you want a lawn with only couch grass or you want to introduce couch to your existing lawn we have a few options for you.

*Note: Our prices vary over time and the prices below are valid October 2019.

Turbocote Couch Grass: Quick germinating and summer hardy, this is our best value couch.  Coated with Turbocote for assisted germination. Sow 1 kilo per 100sqm. $34.65 for 1 kilo*.

La Prima Couch Grass: Super fast establishing blend of improved varieties.  Coated Seed. Sow 1 kilo per 100sqm. $60.50 for 1 kilo*.

Royal Bengal Couch Grass: Seedling vigour, dark green colour and bred to cope better with frost and cold. Coated.  Sow 1 kilo per 100sqm. $62.70 for 1 kilo*.

La Prima XD Couch Grass: This blend combines La Prima, a Couchgrass blend with fast establishment and turfgrass qualities, with Royal Bengal Couch. Sow 1 kilo per 100sqm. $61.60 for 1 kilo*.

Queensland Blue Couch Grass: a native warm season grass that has a soft blue-green appearance. It is suitable for tropical Australia and southern Queensland. 

Couch Grass Blends with other Seed

We blend couch grass with other varieties to create a versatile blend for certain regions of Australia.  In more temperate zones, blending warm season couch with cool season varieties (like ryegrass) means they stay green all year round.

All Season Couch Blend:  A very popular choice in Autumn and Spring, this blend has 24% La Prima Couch grass with 12% Fine Fescue and 64% Bonneville Turf Type Ryegrass.  While the Couch grass provides drought tolerance through the summer months, the two other cool season grasses are green and quick to establish when the weather is cooler.  Sow 2-3 kilos per 100sqm. $61.95 for a 5 kilo bag.

Drought Master Blend: 20% Turbocote Couchgrass, 40% Perennial Ryegrass and 40% Annual Ryegrass, this blend will survive long periods of dry weather.  Sow 4-5 kilos per 100sqm. $38.95 for a 5 kilo bag.