How to Choose Lawn Seed

Sowing a lawn from seed is the most economical way to transform your garden.  The first decision you need to make is an important one:

"Which seed is the right one for your lawn?"

Firstly, you’ll need to find the grass type that grows best in your location and climate.  Grasses can be divided into two groups:  Cool Season and Warm Season.

Cool Season Grasses:

COOL SEASON GRASSES grow best in temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees celsius and include Ryegrass, Fine Fescue, Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass and Bentgrass.    

They're at their best during the spring and autumn periods, and are suited for the cooler climates, e.g. Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, ACT and some areas of New South Wales.  

Cool Season Grass Blends available at Great Aussie Lawns:

Landscape Range Greenland Blend

Rapid Green Budget Blend Lawn Seed

Advanced Seed Bentgrass Penncross Seed

Advanced Seed Dichondra Repens Lawn Seed

Commercial Cool Season Blends:

Championship Range Commercial Blends

Warm Season Grasses:

WARM SEASON GRASSES grow best in temperatures between 25 and 32 degrees celsius and include couch grass, kikuyu, and buffalo grass.  They have better heat and drought tolerance than cool season grasses and are suited to temperate areas, e.g. New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. In cooler states warm season grasses can be sown in Spring and Summer months, with care taken to sow them when soil temperatures are up.

Warm Season Grasses available at Great Aussie Lawns:

Advanced Seed La Prima Couch Seed

Advanced Seed Royal Bengal Couch Seed

Landscape Range Turbocote Couch Seed

Landscape Range Turbocote Kikuyu Seed  

Is your garden sunny or shady?

If the area is particularly sunny or shady you'll need to consider the type of seed you choose.  If your lawn area receives more than a few hours of sun a day it's considered sunny lawn.  The following products are suited:

Shade Blends:

Rapid Green Sun and Shade Blend

Choosing Seed by Season:


Warm season grasses should be sown so they can tolerate the heat while establishing. See our State by State Summer sowing recommendations for Victoria, NSW/ACT, Queensland, Tasmania, Northern Territory, WA.


Cool season grasses will grow in Temperate areas of Australia e.g. Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, ACT and some areas of New South Wales.  In Northern States the warmer season varieties will grow if temperatures are above 25 degrees celsius.  Cool Season grasses can establish through to winter but may not survive the heat of summer in warmer areas.  See our State by State Autumn sowing recommendations here


It is not ideal to grow lawn in Winter in the Temperate areas.  In tropical areas and Northern parts of Australia you can continue to grow warm season grasses.


In Temperate areas of Australia it's possible to begin sowing grasses as the warmth starts to appear in the soil.  Soil temperatures need to be around 20 degrees minimum.  See our State by State Spring sowing recommendations here.

For Help choosing the right seed call our Lawn Seed Hotline:

(03) 9462 3712

or email: 

Next Step:  Preparing The Ground

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