Green, Green Grass - tips for a better lawn

Date: 08-09-2022



  1. Green Grass - the envy of your neighbours!

A beautiful, green lawn stands out in the neighbourhood.  It does take a bit of know-how, but small changes will make a big difference.  Allocate a bit of time and reap the rewards.

  1. What fertiliser will work?

Use a reputable brand from a local supplier.  Look at the analysis (N:P:K) and Always read the instructions on the pack and follow them carefully. A complete fertiliser has all three major nutrients elements Nitrogren (N), Phosphorus (P), and Postassium (K). Nitrogen helps to produce the green leaves in the plant, phosphorus and potassium give the lawn good root development, strength and disease resistance. When viewing the fertiliser it’s shown as three numbers (NPK), which is the analysis, e.g. our Starter Fertiliser N:5 P:6 K:6.

  1. Big no-no's (hint: not watering enough and irregular mowing)

Don’t mow your lawn too short. This will stress out your lawn and encourage pests and weeds which will be more work in the long run. Don’t cut off more than one-third of your leaf blade.  

  1. What lawn type do you have? 

Learning about your lawn will help you understand it's needs. 

Do you know what type of lawn you have?  Getting to know your grass type will reap big rewards

Learn how you should look after the type of grass you have. All grass types have different mowing heights and require different fertiliser and care maintenance. These small difference of your grass type and caring for it will elevate the health and appearance of your lawn. 

Grasses are categorised as either Cool or Warm season grasses. Warm season grasses include Couch Grass, Kikuyu, and Buffalo Grass. They grow in temperatures between 20 to 32 degrees celcius. They have better heat and drought tolerance than cool season grasses and are suited to warmer regions e.g. New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. 

Cool season grasses include Ryegrass, Fescues, Bluegrass and Bentgrass. They grow best in tempretures between 15 and 25 degrees celcius. They're suited to cooler climates and are at their best during the spring and autumn periods. Cool Season grasses are suitable for areas such as Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, ACT and some areas of New South Wales.