Date: 13-01-2021


Summer is our harshest season for lawns - use our tips to help your lawn survive the challenges of the summer months! 


Lawn Tip #1 | Regular deep watering is best for lawns as it encourages a stronger, healthier root system.

For Established Lawns

At the height of summer, Cool Season lawns will need deep watering at least 2-3 times a week, while Warm Season grasses would require one deep watering a week.

Handy Tip | If you walk on your lawn and it doesn't spring back -- it needs water.

For New Lawns

Watering during the germination phase is the most important factor and the surface needs to be always kept moist. If the weather is particularly warm and windy you'll need to spray often very gently.

During summer sowing you may need to be watering multiple times a day. This will ensure establishment and to avoid the seed getting scorched!


Lawn Tip #2 | Check irrigation system settings and make the necessary changes.

How To Check Sprinkler System

1. Check for irrigation controller problems

2. Check your sprinkler valves

3. Check sprinkler stations. It requires the assistance of another person if you have a large irrigation system.

4. Ensure sprinkler heads are aligned

(Source: HebPlumbing)


Lawn Tip #3 | Mow regularly but don't mow too low.

Summer strips the moisture from the lawn. Keeping the blades a little higher means more moisture in the lawn. 


Lawn Tip #4 | Mow at the coolest time of the day if possible.

This will help to keep the moisture in the roots while the blades are long.


Lawn Tip #5 | If you've oversown recently, ensure extra TLC in particularly hot spells. The new seed needs to stay damp.

Extra care should be taken when watering germinating seeds or newly establishing lawns. When you've sown seed you should be careful to always water with a fine spray or mist. Anything stronger moves the seeds around!


Lawn #6 | Move the backyard cricket pitch around so there's no stress in just one spot.


You might also be interested in:

 Early, Mid, and Late Summer Lawn Tips