Early, Mid and Late Summer Lawn Tips

Date: 11-12-2017

Often the toughest of seasons on your lawn due to extreme heat, very dry conditions and wind.  But a little care throughout summer will ensure your lawn will survive!

Early Season Care:

  • Leave your Cool Season lawn fertilising until Autumn as your lawn won’t take up the nutrients. BUT – it’s the perfect time to fertilise your Warm Season Lawn with either our All Season Reno Fertiliser or our Gold Pro Controlled Release Fertiliser.
  • Raise mowing heights to reduce stress on the lawn and provide more shade to the roots.
  • Water in the early morning for best results.
  • Growing Couch? Push growth along with a KickStart Fertiliser, then once it's established it will respond well to a high Nitrogen Fertiliser.  Couchgrasses love Nitrogen.

Mid-Season Care:

  • If you want to keep your lawn green during hotter summer months you’ll need to irrigate. Water early in the morning before the heat of the day, especially prior to midday where the heat reaches its peak. This will ensure your water reaches down to the roots.
  • Let grasses grow a little longer during the warmer months. The extra shade will help keep the root zone cool, and reduce water loss from the soil. Don't fertilise or apply weed killers at this time.
  • If you experience a hot dry summer, cool season grasses will go into dormancy in summer and lose their colour. But remember, unless you have a prolonged drought, your lawn will bounce back once the weather cools again and rainfall increases again.
  • Watch your watering. Lawns need more water in summer due to hotter days and higher levels of evaporation. Check the water restrictions in your area and find out when you can water your lawn.
  • Mow early or late in the day so your cut blades don’t singe.

Late Season Care:

  • Warm-season turf grows strongly during summer and needs nutrients. Use our Gold Pro Controlled Release Fertiliser on your existing lawn.  It's particularly good for Summer months when frequent watering can strip nutrients through the soil.
  • When the drier weather begins use a Wetting Agent to get the water to your lawn. It will save wastage and help your lawn absorb water more effectively.

Other pages you might find helpful:

Summer Specials

Warm Season Grass Planting

What time of the day should I water my lawn?