Spring Tips for your Lawn

Date: 28-10-2018

Lawn enthusiasts welcome Spring with open arms.

Winter can take it’s toll, particularly if you have a warm season grass like couch, buffalo and kikuyu as these are the types of lawns that go into dormancy when it’s cold.

But now that we’re into Spring there are a few simple ways you can boost your lawn and get it back into condition with greener colour and better health.

  • Clear away the leaves and let the sun shine on your lawn again.
  • Sort out winter weeds with our Herbicides.
  • Choose a fertiliser with high levels of Nitrogen to really green it up. Our Landscape Range All Season Reno Fertiliser has N:P:K 22:5:7 Nitrogen 21.9%, Phosphorus 4.7% Potassium 7.6%. While the Nitrogen helps to produce the green leaves in the plant, the Phosphorus and Potassium give the lawn good root development, strength and disease resistance.
  • If you have any patches or thin areas, oversow in Spring to thicken up and repair. Read about oversowing here.
  • As the soil warms up your lawn will start growing faster so now is the time to lower mowing heights.

A few simple tips to make your lawn look better as you enjoy more time outdoors.