How to Measure your Lawn size before you buy Lawn Seed

Date: 01-07-2018

Looking to buy lawn seed?  Don't end up with too much or too little.  Follow our tips below to get an idea of the size of your lawn.

1.  Pace it out!

If you've got a small lawn do a rough estimate of your lawn by pacing it out while thinking of one metre square blocks.    

2. Calculate larger areas:  

If you want to be more accurate or you've got a larger area to cover you can use the image below to work out the area:


3.  Know the Sowing Rate:

Check the sowing rate for the seed you want to purchase.  On all our products we include a per 100 square metre sowing rate.  Remember that it does vary from one variety to the next.  Warm season grasses like couch can be 1kg per 100sqm and Cool Season grasses like Fescues can be 3 or 4 kgs per 100sqm.

Good luck!  See our Step by Step Guide on How to Sow Lawn Seed here.