Date: 13-07-2023

One of our team needed to fix up a lawn and it was late in the year. This a good example of how the right blend can still germinate and grow. 


Choosing the right blend:

(Premium Blend > Cool Season Blend)

One of the key things to do is to choose the right blend for the season. This one is 100% cool season grasses.  Warm season grasses won't germinate in a Melbourne winter.

Starter Fertiliser:

Use a Starter Fertiliser to boost your project. Our Kickstart Starter Fertiliser focuses on root development with the key NPK elements providing the right nutrients for a quick and healthy germination. 


Bird netting: 

Check out this cheap and easy solution for keeping birds away - it worked well.

Dogs and birds:

Keeping pets off the area crucial. Disturbing the seed when it's trying to establish is very important. The bird netting above helps with this too!


Careful watering:

During this project there was quite a bit of rain but there were some dry days where watering twice a day was required.



Areas, where it got direct sunlight, went really well. Whereas it's a bit patchy we'll continue to look after it and maybe throw down a bit more seed and hope for some sunny days.


The most important factor was patience. When it suddenly got very cold and germination was quite slow. You need to be aware that it takes a lot longer to establish but the results can be surprising