Oversowing Your Instant Turf Lawn

Date: 13-01-2023

Over time all lawns (including instant turf lawns) need maintenance and often that means an oversow with seed.   
It's a great way to thicken up a lawn, fill in patches or prepare for a new season. 
Often wear and tear is noticed after the toughest seasons of the year (summer and winter) so usually the ideal time to overseed your lawn is Springtime or in Autumn. But really it's possible to oversow seed into an established turf lawn any time of the year.   
The steps in oversowing turf is similar to sowing a new lawn.  And it's pretty basic! 

How to Overseed?  

1. Getting rid of debris and weeds: 

Stones, leaf matter, twigs etc all should be removed so there's nothing to get in the way of your seed.  Deal with any weeds using a suitable herbicide or cutting/pull out any weeds you see.
2. Prepare the area: 
Once you've cleaned up it's time to prepare the area.  Rake over any bare patches and mow your lawn lower.    
3. Get your irrigation ready:
Make sure you have watering sorted.  Seed in soil needs to remain damp, so regular water supply is important for establishment. 

4. Put down some Starter Fertiliser:
Using Starter will help the new seed germinate and establish.  See our KickStart Starter fertiliser.
5. Selecting the right seed and sowing: 
If you're patching try to match your lawn seed as best as you can.  This can be tricky!  Instant Turf lawns are often varieties that are not available in seed form.  Get some advice if you're unsure.

If you have a warm season turf lawn (like buffalo) you can choose a cool season ryegrass to oversow to get continuous green in winter months in colder areas. When oversowing half the rate for new lawn establishment. See our Seed.



6. Keep the water up!

Newly overseeded lawns should have regular watering during the establishment phase.