Summer Lawncare Tips from Great Aussie Lawns

Date: 15-12-2016

Summer lawn care tips from Great Aussie Lawns

Summer- time to really enjoy the lawn when we spend more time outdoors with family and friends! 

1.  If you’ve got a warm season lawn (like Kikuyu or Couch) you can reduce your mowing height. In summer these lawns are thriving and growing well and can be cut to around 25-30mm height.  Raise heights again as summer comes to an end. 

2.  With cool season grasses (like Tall Fescue or Ryegrass) you can leave them a little longer in summer -  around 40mm.

3.  Try to mow regularly as infrequent mowing of lawns like Couch in summer can result in a stalky lawn, which looks less green and lush.

4.  Water early in the morning before the heat of the day, remembering that wind will suck the moisture out of the lawn and soil.  To water effectively, give the lawn a good soaking every few days, rather than a quick soak when you think about it!

5.  Wetting agents can help not just your lawn but also your garden!  Wett Up Soil Wetting agent helps in the uptake of the water and saves wasteage when difficult to wet soils forces the water to run off.   Apply a wetting agent like Wett Up 1-2 times each summer.

6.  If you get bare spots on your lawn from wear and tear, try to move the activity around.  Change the angle of the cricket pitch to give those patches a chance to rejuvenate.

7.  A quick note on fertilisers:  Leave your Cool Season lawn fertilising until Autumn as your lawn will be dormant in summer and won’t take up the nutrients.  BUT – it’s the perfect time to fertilise your Warm Season Lawn with either our All Season Reno or our Gold Pro Slow Release Fertiliser.


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