Soil Temperature and Lawn Seed Sowing - Tips

Knowing when to sow your chosen lawn seed is key to the success of any new lawn project.  And it all comes down to soil temperatures.  Depending on your area of Australia, it's important to sow when the climate is right.  If soil temperatures are still cool following winter, wait a little longer to get stuck into your project.

Warmth is essential for germination.  

As a rough guide, look for temperatures around 15-25 degrees for cool season grasses and 22 - 32 degrees for warm season grasses. 

Here are some other pointers for when the time is right to start sowing in Spring:

  • Be observant, look for growth activity in lawns and gardens
  • Is your neighbours lawn looking like it needs a mow? It could be a sign that things are coming to life for Spring. 
  • look for consistency in weather as an indicator.
  • be aware of night time temperatures rising.

When you find your window for sowing you'll get a much better result!

Look at our recommendations for which seed to sow this season.